Hi all,
How are you? I've returned to write in my web log. I was visiting some amazing places and I will show you them in this post. This time I'm going to write it in English for these reasons:
- I'm in Ireland, so I think it must be in English
- I need to practice English here, and I think this is a good opportunity to practice writing.
On Wednesday 9th April, I decided to go for a walk in the city after a phone interview with Oracle, the biggest database specialiced company. The interview was very funny because I applied for a job that wasn't the job which I wanted. It was a sales job, and I'm not a sales man.
Well, after that I took the LUAS line to Suir Road. I went to see three interesting places: Kilmainham Jail, Irish Museum of Modern Art and War Memorial Gardens.
The first place I visited was Kilmainham Jail, built between 1792 and 1795. In its cells were some irish leaders from Easter Rising in 1916, i.e. Robert Emmet, Charles Stewart Parnell, Thomas J. Clarke or Patrick Pearse. I had to do a guided tour, I couldn't do it by myself.
First photograph was taken in the old cells built in 1790's. Here we were with all people from guided tour.
Next photograph is the main jail where people I commented before were jailed until their death. It's the jail in which was filmed "In the name of the father".
This was inside a cell. It might be terrible to be inside all day....
This is the external part of the building. In this part the Easter Rising leaders were executed by British army.
And this is the end for this place. In front of this building was the Irish Museum of Modern Art, so I entered to it. It was the old Royal Hospital Kilmainham, built by William Robinson between 1680 and 1687. I was seeing the pictures and scultures, but I didn't like them very much. Of course, it was for free. This photo was taken inside.
Later, I went to the War Memorial Gardens. These gardens are the most gardened place in all Dublin. It has a lot of trees and it's covered all by grass and a lot of flowers. First photograph is the plaque at the entry.
Next photograph was from a building at the entry. It has a big stone in the middle, in memory of more than 49.000 soldiers who dead in World War I.
It had a river next to the path, and there were some people with their canoes rowing over the river.
And here I finished my visit to this part of the city. I apologize for my bad English, I'm improving it a lot these days and next posts will be better written.
See you soon!!!
!! Felices Fiestas ¡¡
Hace 2 semanas
12 comentarios:
Hello Alex
Beautiful photos,the places are very interesting.Siento lo de la entrevista.¡Ánimo!
I´ll connect you this nigh.
Please, could you write your name when you are posting? I don't know who are you hahahahaha
Hello Alex
¿En serio qué no sabes quién soy?
- la primera en apoyarte en este proyecto dublinés
- la que se muere de envidia por todo lo que estás haciendo
- la que sabe que todo te va a salir de puta madre
- la que siempre te manda Kisses,incluso por el móvil
- en definitiva la que te cuida el coche y la moto.
jajajajaaj mona!!!! Dudaba entre tu y bea... :)
Muchas gracias por todo!!!
Mu bonito o teu inglés, pero a túa nai non te entende, e precisa de traducción instantánea, así que, saberás o que tes que facer (agora que comeza cas novas tecnoloxías, vas tí, e complicalo). Mándache moitos bicos ( tamén o teu pai ). As fotos mu bonitas. Arañazos de parte de Cleo. Coidate.
jelous Alitos, how yu sabras aiam yor most querido broder. Mai inglis is vey very gud and ai can read yor blog uizaut problemo, by cierto ¿how se dice "carallo" in inglis?
muchos kises of Antia
Goooood evening from Northwest of Spain.
Thank you for make feel stupid or at leat more than other days. It would be better if you write in Spanish or galician but it is ok.
I don't understand why you don't like be a sales man. Really, for me is easy to see you as spaghetti seller "the best spaghetti of the world".
Be happy!
Written by Julio without wordreference.
I recognized the jail when I looked the photo, because the film is a jewel.
Y dijo yo, porque carallo escribo en injlés si mespreso millor en castrapio.
Una pasada todo lo que estás conociendo. Que pena que lo del Oracle no fuera de patrón de dicha embarcación en la copa américa, que con lo que ganan en un año ya se pueden echar a dormir.
Seguiremos tus peripecias.
Hi all,
Magoodeos: que bueno oir de ti!!! Dile a Antia que mejor que escriba ella, que fijo que sabe más inglés que tu. Carallo aqui no tiene traducción, aunque hay alguna que otra palabra mal sonante por aqui: bullshit, damn, f... off, dickhead,...
Julillo: lo de ser sales man, casi que no, no es lo mío, no soy un vende-motos. A mi echadme las cosas técnicas que las domino mejor. Que tal por allí? Ya veo que tb dominas el inglés, si es que los dos aprendimos en el mismo grupo con la misma teacher...
Jose: que tal señor jose, me alegro que te gusten las fotos. Esto es una preciosidad, aunque el tiempo deja que desear. Lo del patrón de Oracle ya molaba, porque con la pasta que deben estar ganando me retiro de por vida. Eso sí, aquí los sueldos duplican a los de España con creces...
See you...
Hey Alex!
your written English is quite impressive! what a shame i didnt send you to the Cambridge First exam! however, disappointing you misunderstood a job for a salesman! what happened!?! he he.. glad to see you´re exploring both modern and historical parts of Ireland.. i know of some who should be locked in those cells! he he.. keep up with the blog.. love hearing your news! Hugs
Los sueldos duplican a los de España con creces. No me fastidies, que me voy para allá.
Pero ¿los precios están como aquí?
Hi all,
The red lion team: hey, how are you? I don't agree with you, I need to improve my english, I'm not prepared to go to First Exam yet, but I¡ll go in a few months. About the job, It was very funny, but recruiter told me that she was going to send my CV to consultant department... in Malaga!!! I don't understand anything!! :) The city is very beautiful, I like it! And the cells.... I'm thinking in some people in Red Lion School hehehehehe
Jose: pues si, los sueldos aqui son la caña, pero la vida es bastante más cara, por lo menos respecto a comida y vivienda. Y lo de salir, pues bueno, es como Madrid o Barcelona. Menos de 8€ por cubata imposible, y las pintas rondan entre los 4,40€ y 6,30€. SI te quieres acercar por aqui, dime de qué curras y fijo que algo hay.
See you all....
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